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Virtual Selling Is Here.

Our training courses are designed to introduce and educate sales leaders and sales teams to the new way of selling providing the essential tools, strategies, and techniques to transform your sales approach.

Why Choose These Programs?

Virtual Selling Is Here. 

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Jeremy Blain

CEO, Performance Works International

Jeremy Blain is an award-winning Business Leader, Futurist, Sales Expert, New Era Learning Professional, Author & Conference Speaker.

Jeremy is founder and CEO of PerformanceWorks International and is an award-winning business leader with a track record of successful selling and sales leadership across major markets in the world. This real-world sales experience, ensures Jeremy has a deep understanding of the leadership, sales and management challenges for organisations.

Jeremy and his team has helped thousands of companies across the globe, designing and delivering sales courses to take the most important traditional sales skills and blend them with the new capabilities sales professionals and managers need, to thrive in today’s increasingly digital and dispersed workplace. 

Jeremy has just been awarded in 2020 the 5-star rated International Gamechanger of the Year for his work in Business transformation including leadership, sales and marketing transformation.


Make an enquiry on our training courses:

Explore Our Sales Transformation Training Today!

Drake Training offers the choice of two learning journeys for sales managers and sales professionals. We also offer bespoke training designed to meet your own unique sales outcomes. 

Explore our training options below to start your journey!

Successful selling in the digital era for sales professionals

The course is designed for sales professionals to bring the best of
‘existing’ sales skills together with new skill sets in a virtual environment.

Course Modules:

Duration: 2 hour virtual classes, across a 6 week program

  1. Exploring the new way of selling in a digital world
  2. How to better engage customers in the remote selling process
  3. Learn how to create meaningful value and insights for customers
  4. Handle objections, tough conversations and spot negotiations
  5. How to leverage social selling and digital tools to drive opportunities
  6. Coaching clinic to share best practices and learnings
Enquire Now

Leading Successful Sales Teams 
in a Digital Era

This course is designed for sales leaders or managers who are looking at best practice and to build strong leadership sales skill sets in a more disrupted, remote, and digital world.

Course Modules:

Duration: 2 hour virtual classes, across a 6 week program

  1. Leading Sales in the digital era of 2020
  2. Understanding  the tools and technology for digital era sales management
  3. Developing a coaching and growth mindset for sales teams
  4. How to build a collaborative and successful remote team
  5. Data analytics to fuel your sales strategy
  6. Coaching clinic to curate best practice in sales management for 2020
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A customised sales training design based on your own unique requirement

As every client is different, we offer bespoke sales training based on needs. Our training solutions are crafted and designed inline with desired business outcomes, where you can pick and choose from a range of sales modules. It might be you require training to develop a stronger focus on how to engage with customers digitally, or how to handle objections, or tough conversations and negiotations in a remote setting, we can provide a customised module or modules, depending on your needs.

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Experienced facilitators and
trainers in sales transformation
with a global perspective

Virtual training with high levels of engagement & interaction (polling,
chat, discussion)

Virtual breakout rooms for group activities to support learning

Develop new sales skills to win in transformation markets, and optimise your online presence with a right mix of touch and tech

Coaching session to cement learning and move to increase sales performance of individuals and teams

Guest sales leaders to add value and new perspectives

Meet Your Digital Sales Transformational Team

Jeremy Blain

Award-winning Business Leader, Futurist, Sales Expert, New Era Learning Professional, Author & Keynote Speaker

Jeremy is founder and CEO of PerformanceWorks International and has been using his experience, knowledge and passion to help organisations and individuals face the changing workplace to be “fit and ready” for the future.


Anne Boisier-Fouché

A multi-talented entrepreneur, international trainer, highly skilled in Brand & Marketing Strategies Operations, People Development and Communication

A passionate, cross-cultural educator and communicator, Anne is a catalyst for sustainable transformation and growth, with over 20 years of experience within the industry across Asia and Europe.


Sales Has Changed. 

Are You Ready?

Jeremy Blain is an award-winning Business Leader, Futurist, Sales Expert, New Era Learning Professional, Author & Conference Speaker.

Jeremy is founder and CEO of PerformanceWorks International and is an award-winning business leader with a track record of successful selling and sales leadership across major markets in the world. This real-world sales experience, ensures Jeremy has a deep understanding of the leadership, sales and management challenges for organisations.

Jeremy and his team has helped thousands of companies across the globe, designing and delivering sales courses to take the most important traditional sales skills and blend them with the new capabilities sales professionals and managers need, to thrive in today’s increasingly digital and dispersed workplace. 

Jeremy has just been awarded in 2020 the 5-star rated International Gamechanger of the Year for his work in Business transformation including leadership, sales and marketing transformation.

Drake Training’s sales digital transformation courses are designed to introduce sales leaders and sales team to the new way of selling.

Develop your skill set and your teams on the fundamental elements needed to transform your process to ensure sales success.

Those sales organisations who have not evolved and continue to rely heavily on traditional sales methods are at risk of being left behind. 

The sales function needs to be reinvented for continued revenue growth and sales success.

Start your journey today.

Are You Ready for 
Sales Success?

Are You Ready for 
Sales Success?